Download picnic table grounded
Download picnic table grounded

download picnic table grounded download picnic table grounded

The resources you can find in the sand include: This tool allows you to dig up pieces of buried treasure in the Sandbox that are marked by sparkles in the sand during the day. They almost always lose in these fights due to their low health and damage, but running towards a group of them is a great way to distract Antlions and escape to safety.īoth the Antlions and Black Worker Ants are worth killing and/or looting, as parts from the former can be used to make heat-resistant Antlion armor while the remains of the latter are needed to make a Black Ant Shovel. These mobs are neutral to the player (unless attacked) but will frequently engage Antlions in combat. Note that the Sandbox is also filled with groups of Black Worker Ants that pour out of a tunnel connected to the Black Anthill area. However, if two or more attack you at once, you'll need to kite them to avoid being surrounded. You should be able to take them on one at a time without too much trouble, especially if you use a weapon that causes slashing and/or salty damage. In terms of hostile bugs, the Sandbox is dominated by aggressive Antlions that can take a beating and dish out quite a bit of damage, too, making them dangerous opponents. You can also avoid dealing with Sizzle completely by exploring during nighttime.

download picnic table grounded

Thankfully, you can cool off by standing in the shade provided by the various plastic toys and other items located throughout the biome. When the Sizzle meter builds up, your movement speed will be reduced and your character will take damage slowly over time. You have to be careful while exploring the Sandbox during the day, though, as the sun makes the sand inside of it hot enough to build up and inflict the Sizzle status effect. In the Sandbox, you can find a wide variety of different resources to collect and landmarks to check out.

Download picnic table grounded