Diablo 2 added runes and did not make a spirit
Diablo 2 added runes and did not make a spirit

diablo 2 added runes and did not make a spirit

It is quite tedious to do though, so maybe the right buyer would be willing to pay more for it.Lore is one of the earliest and easiest Runewords, and it's a popular leveling Runeword for its +1 to All Skills trait. Rerolling spirit to 35 FCR isn't worth all that much to most people. The base itself is definitely the majority of the item's value. An Ohm or Lo sounds a lot more realistic from a botter who just wants it quick. From a little bit of searching, it looks like a 44 res 4os sacred targe probably goes for around Gul-Vex on the optimistic end, so I wouldn't expect a lot more than that. Those runes are practically free for anyone who regularly farms countess for uber keys, so it's mostly just the hassle of hoarding them and the value of the base. I've done this many times, so I know the pain. You can of course get lucky or unlucky with rerolls, but that's just how it goes. So on average, a perfect spirit is worth the value of the empty base + 11 Tal + 11 Thul + 11 Ort + 11 Amn + 10 Hel + the hassle of storing those materials and performing all the rerolls. Now for the actual value, as far as I know each possible FCR value has equal odds and the range is 25-35, which would be a 1:11 chance to get 35 FCR. He's asking what the expected trade value of the item is, not whether some unrealistic scenario can happen with it. Of course you COULD find the right person who wants to make an unfavorable trade because they either don't care, are poorly informed, or want to give someone a nice deal. Telling someone that any spirit shield is worth a Ber is disingenuous and doesn't do them any favors.

Diablo 2 added runes and did not make a spirit